Non Binary Sjw Non Binary Sjw Funny

Why did the non-binary prospector move West in 1849?

Because there was gold up in them/their hills.

Why did the non-binary prospector travel West in 1849?

Because there's gold in them/their hills

How does a nonbinary ninja kill people?

They slash Them.

Nonbinary joke, How does a nonbinary ninja kill people?

How do non-binary ninjas kill people?


How do non-binary samurai kill people?


Demi Lovato announced they are non-binary today

Congratulations Themi Lovato!

Why did the non-binary prospector go out west?

Because there was gold in them/their hills.

Nonbinary joke, Why did the non-binary prospector go out west?

I asked a couple of my gay friends what does LBGTQ mean?

I couldn't get a straight answer…

Bonus joke:

How does a non-binary samurai kill people?

(They slash them)

How does a non-binary Samurai kill someone?


I was real upset when I lost my nonbinary friend at the store

But I felt better when someone told me "They're there"

*Tips fedora to cute non-binary girl*


You can explore nonbinary armenia reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean nonbinary tranny dad jokes. There are also nonbinary puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

What do you say to comfort your non-binary friends after they get misgendered?

Their their

How do you scare a non-binary person?

01100010 01101111 01101111

I'm Jewish and Nonbinary.

My pronouns are oy/they.

Homophobes assume that because I'm in the LGBTQ+ community I must have some kind of gay agenda.

... How many times do I have to explain to them? I'm non-binary! I don't have agenda at all!

Two computers walk into a bar. The first computer says 1110001010011011. The second computer replies 2 .

The first computer says, Oh, so you're non-binary?

Nonbinary joke, Two computers walk into a bar. The first computer says  1110001010011011.  The second computer repli

What does a gender-ambiguous robot identify as?


Why did the Church of Scientology try to assassinate the non-binary feminist?

Xenu too much.

How do non-binary samurai defeat their opponents?

They slash them

A cowboy walks into a bar and accidentally bumps shoulders with someone while walking up to the bartender

The cowboy says politely, Scuse me, sir.
The person looks over at the cowboy uncomfortably and responds, Uh, actually I'm non-binary. The cowboy tips his hat respectfully and says, Oh, pardon me M'theydy.

How does a non-binary samurai kill their openent


I refuse to accept non-binary

Quantum computers are expressly forbidden in this house.

(Everyone I know cringed, so I figured yall may like it.)

What do you say to comfort someone who is non-binary?

Their, there.

My LGBTQ+ programmer friend told me they were having trouble with some data inputs the other day...

I think it's because they're non-binary

Robots dont have genders.

They're Non-Binary.

How many radical, trans, love-fluid, non-binary persons does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

2 - one to do it and the other to comment on how it's symbolic of rape.

There are 11 types of people

binary, non-binary and those who think it's a transphobic joke

I was bitten by a nonbinary vampire last night...

They came from Trans-Sylvania.

Why couldn't Chinese hackers decrypt the trans man's signal?

It was non-binary

What gender do AI identify as?

Probably not non-binary

What pronouns does a Chicagoan use to identify as non-binary?

Dey or dem

What do you call it when a non-binary gendered couple has a legal dispute over custody of their children?

A transparency review.

Why don't numbers have genders?

Because apart from 0 and 1, all of them are non-binary

Did you hear about the politician who turned out to have a nonbinary advisor?

I just knew he was following some sort of hidden agender!

An apple a day...

Keeps the non-binary away

Load More

Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the nonbinary gender jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.

We suggest to use only working nonbinary transexual piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.


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